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Washington Works Blog

Washington Works has been serving the Bethesda area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Consumers Are Depending on Technology More Than Ever

Consumers Are Depending on Technology More Than Ever

Nowadays, we use technology for almost everything. Whether we're talking to friends, watching videos, or shopping, technology makes it easier and faster. With phones, computers, and other devices, we can do so much more than ever before. This has made people expect things to be quick and simple. Let’s see how tech has changed the way we shop!

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Set Yourself Up for Success with Mindful Goals

Set Yourself Up for Success with Mindful Goals

When you run a small business, there is a tendency to dream big. You think of expanding rapidly and finding success instantly. Unfortunately, this is probably not the reality. By keeping your expectations realistic, you can find that you will find consistency. In today’s blog, let’s take a look at how any manager or entrepreneur can keep their expectations realistic. 

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How To Design a Workspace with Productivity in Mind

How To Design a Workspace with Productivity in Mind

The workplace is, fittingly, a place for work to be done. While there are a lot of factors that can contribute to a person’s day-to-day productivity, having a space that is conducive to accomplishing their work tasks can be seen as essential. Let’s go over how you can design a workspace that does just that:

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Tip of the Week: Handy Tricks to Formatting Excel Spreadsheets

Tip of the Week: Handy Tricks to Formatting Excel Spreadsheets

Microsoft Excel is, for many, the de facto spreadsheet-creation software. However, fewer know about its useful formatting capabilities and shortcuts. To help you make your own Excel sheets more comprehensible, we’re sharing some tips to help you format your documents.

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Working at the Office Has Its Benefits, Too

Working at the Office Has Its Benefits, Too

It’s incredible how working from home has become the new normal. Just a short time ago most business owners wouldn’t have batted an eye at shutting down the dreams of remote work, but because of the COVID-19 pandemic, they were forced to adjust the way they looked at the situation. Employees in several industries have been working from home ever since. Now that most places have begun to re-open, we thought we would remind you that there are actually some benefits to coming to the office. 

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Understanding IT Acronyms You Hear in the Office

Understanding IT Acronyms You Hear in the Office

Technology can be complicated, and it doesn’t help when all you hear is an alphabet soup of acronyms used to describe it. As professionals, this kind of jargon has become a second language to us and it is easy to forget that not everyone will recognize these acronyms. For your reference, we’ve assembled some common ones you’ll probably hear us use.

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Improving Your Collaboration Can Improve Performance

Improving Your Collaboration Can Improve Performance

With the exception of a sole proprietorship, a business of any size relies on its team in order to function properly. As a result, this team needs to be able to work together towards a common goal in order to succeed. To accomplish this, collaboration technologies are becoming more and more common in office environments, and generally benefit the performance of the business in its operations.

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Tip of the Week: Avoid Unpleasant Surprises When Moving to a New Office

Tip of the Week: Avoid Unpleasant Surprises When Moving to a New Office

So you’ve outgrown your office space and need to relocate. Congratulations on reaching this milestone with your business, but do you know what to look for in a new building? Finding the perfect setup can be daunting, especially if you don’t know what to look for. To help you out, here are four tips to make your transition easier.

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Tip of the Week: 6 Tips to Becoming a Morning Person

Tip of the Week: 6 Tips to Becoming a Morning Person

If you’ve ever tried to wake up before 6:00am, you know how difficult it can be. Crawling out of bed can be pure torture, and the thought of working for another eight, ten, or even twelve hours can be soul-crushing. Despite how difficult it can be to wake up, getting out of bed early and starting your day on a positive note can set the tone for your entire workday. Here are six ways that you can make your mornings less painful and build a productive routine.

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