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Washington Works has been serving the Bethesda area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

There are Benefits from Aggressively Spending on Technology

There are Benefits from Aggressively Spending on Technology

The way you invest your business’ IT budget will have a considerable impact on how it performs. If your technology dollars are well spent you should see improvement year-over-year. Technology improves time management and allows for more automation than ever, not to mention the cost savings you see as a result. Let’s briefly discuss the IT budgeting process and how to build budgeting priorities that work.

IT Spending has to Improve Your Business

When determining an IT budget, how your business is doing and where it is on your timelines dictates how aggressive you can be. It can be tempting to view your IT as just another cost of doing business, but it really is more than that. Your technology (and the state it is in) has an effect on your whole business. If it is lacking to address the operational (and technological) issues that your business has, little good can come of it. Employee morale will suffer, your productivity will slow, and over time, the degraded IT that your company uses may just become a metaphor for your business. 

 There are the costs associated with acquiring and subsequently upgrading your information technology, as well as training your staff to properly leverage these solutions. However, a good IT budget will also account for the odd inconveniences that will require some financial spending to resolve. Your IT budget is an investment. While some of it will be classified as a business expense, much of your spending will be into endeavors that help your business, either by increasing efficiency or reducing waste. Either way, your IT can be used to put your company in a better financial situation.

3 IT Budgeting Tips

If you’re unsure of how to proceed with budgeting your IT, we’ve compiled a short list of things you should (and should not) do during the process.

  • Have a set budget for your IT - In order for your business to be able to utilize the caliber of technology it needs for success, you need to put forward the investment into those solutions.
  • Invest in business enhancement - Whether you’re boosting your internal productivity or fortifying your business against threats that could keep you from conducting business as usual, your IT budget should be spent in ways that directly benefit your operations.
  • Don’t be impulsive -. It is crucial that you go about investing in your IT strategically, directing funds to where they are needed and where they will help your business be more efficient and productive. 

We Can Help

The technicians at Washington Works can help you figure out how to best spend your allocated technology funds. We can help you target operational pain points and keep you on a reliable refresh schedule so that your business always has the IT it needs to succeed. Give us a call today at 301-571-5040 to learn more.

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Comments 5

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