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Washington Works Blog

Washington Works has been serving the Bethesda area since 2005, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Are Cloud-Based Solutions Right For Your Organization?

Are Cloud-Based Solutions Right For Your Organization?

You’d be hard-pressed to find a business these days that doesn’t use the cloud in some way or another. Before investing in the right cloud solutions, it’s important that your organization considers several factors. Here are three of the most common ones that your business should consider before investing in and implementing a new cloud service.

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Clearing Up Some Chromebook Confusion

Clearing Up Some Chromebook Confusion

Chromebooks might be simple, but they aren’t as limited as you might think they are. They might have once been limited, but more recent models are much more capable of accomplishing just as much, if not more, than any of their previous iterations. Here are some of the most common misconceptions that people have about Chromebooks.

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FREE Printout: IT Security End-User Checklist

FREE Printout: IT Security End-User Checklist

This guide was created so that business owners, office managers, and IT departments can provide it as an educational resource to showcase some of the most basic IT security practices that can be implemented in your workplace. We recommend printing this out and handing it out to your staff for maximum results.

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A “Disaster” Covers More Than You’d Think

A “Disaster” Covers More Than You’d Think

What one organization considers a disaster might be much different than what another business might see as disastrous. Perhaps one sees the loss of a few hours and a few files as something that can be recovered, while another sees every lost moment and each iota of data as a catastrophe. Whichever camp you find yourself in, you need to be able to do two things: first, gauge how serious a given data loss disaster is, and secondly, establish what must be done to get back in action following said disaster.

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Is Your Business Prepared to Do Away with Paper?

Is Your Business Prepared to Do Away with Paper?

There’s no denying that digital records have quite a few advantages over paper documentation. Benefits of ‘going paperless’ include simplified search capabilities, more efficient storage, heightened security and automated backup capabilities. There are plenty of sources around the Internet that discuss making the switch to paperless documentation, but to keep your business documents safe, it is better to know what you’re getting into.

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Why Aren’t Users Buying More Tablets?

Why Aren’t Users Buying More Tablets?

When tablets first hit the market, the general prediction was that they would eventually replace PCs as the de facto device for computing, However, based on their steadily declining sales, this prediction seems to be a little off base--but, why? A closer examination provides some insight into why tablet sales have dipped.

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A Good Data Backup Can Save Your Bacon

A Good Data Backup Can Save Your Bacon

Data backup. It’s something that all businesses need, but not all businesses know how to approach the implementation of it. This is largely due to the tendency to underestimate how disastrous data loss scenarios can be for their business. You know how it goes; it’s impossible, until it happens. Thankfully, you can significantly reduce the damage done by data loss incidents with a little bit of preventative, proactive thought and a comprehensive backup system.

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Digital Transformation: What Does it Look Like for Businesses?

Digital Transformation: What Does it Look Like for Businesses?

Smart organizations are always looking for ways to improve how they do business. Digital transformation is a way for businesses to get the most out of their technology by improving workflows and overall efficiency. What does digital transformation look like and how can you implement it in your business?

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Businesses that Value Mobility Will Want to Adopt 2-in-1 Devices

Businesses that Value Mobility Will Want to Adopt 2-in-1 Devices

Businesses today rely heavily on software solutions to function, and so these solutions need to be on-hand whenever and wherever a business opportunity may arise. As a result, mobile solutions have risen in importance, despite the continued need for what a desktop has to offer. To meet both these requirements, we recommend a convertible ultrabook, also known as a 2-in-1 device.

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Why the UTM is the Ultimate Security Solution for Businesses

Why the UTM is the Ultimate Security Solution for Businesses

Though network security is a necessity, it’s difficult to plan for every single possibility. Small and medium-sized businesses have trouble accounting for the many threats that lurk on the Internet, as security often requires a professional’s touch. As experts ourselves, we’ll discuss the many security solutions available to your organization, as well as what your best option is.

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Why Some People Can’t Be Productive While Travelling

Why Some People Can’t Be Productive While Travelling

Let’s say that you're on a business trip. As you travel, you decide you may as well get a bit of work done. You pull out your laptop and are pecking away, and that’s when you notice a growing feeling of nausea rising in your stomach. It gets so bad that you finally have to put the laptop away, having accomplished relatively little, before you are sick.

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Understanding the Cloud and How it Can Help Your Business

Understanding the Cloud and How it Can Help Your Business

If your business is still on the fence about implementing a cloud solution, we don’t blame you. Moving to the cloud can be a daunting task, and you don’t want to jump the gun and make such a big decision on a whim. It’s important to understand why businesses move their data to the cloud in the first place, as well as what the different types of cloud solutions are and what they can offer your unique business model.

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How Accurate Can Supercomputers Predict the Future?

How Accurate Can Supercomputers Predict the Future?

Analytics play a major role in today’s business world, but they are also pivotal to the development of artificial intelligence systems. One of the expected qualities of AI is machine learning, the ability for a system to identify and learn from trends. Yet, this extremely practical aspect of artificially intelligent systems may have its uses in a business setting.

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How Virtualization Can Be a Lucrative Investment for Your Business

How Virtualization Can Be a Lucrative Investment for Your Business

Hosting an in-house IT infrastructure may give you the reassurance that all of your servers and network equipment are being cared for properly, but it’s important to realize that your time is better spent elsewhere, like running your business. If you’re unsure if you’re providing the necessary maintenance and management for your mission-critical hardware solutions, virtualization can present a valuable opportunity.

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3 Strong Incentives to Get Your Office’s Computer Hardware Organized

3 Strong Incentives to Get Your Office’s Computer Hardware Organized

Businesses rely on hardware, like workstations, servers, mobile devices, and more, to keep operations moving forward. However, managing these knowledge-intensive machines can demand time and resources that are finite for SMBs. If you’re challenged by the management and deployment of hardware, let us guide you through the process of doing so.

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73% of Businesses Want to Grow, But Only 6% are Investing in New Technologies

73% of Businesses Want to Grow, But Only 6% are Investing in New Technologies

Every business owner needs to understand the pivotal role that technology plays in their business’s growth. However, many companies just aren’t able to keep up with the latest trends and developments. When this happens, they miss out on important opportunities to grow, and when an organization falls behind the times, they fall out of practice. When they fall out of practice… well, you get the idea.

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Microsoft Sets Itself Up Nicely With Windows Store Loophole

Microsoft Sets Itself Up Nicely With Windows Store Loophole

When you’re managing your business’s technology, you want to limit access to time-wasting applications and keep your employees from accessing the Windows Store. It just makes sense. Yet, for the businesses that want to restrict access to the Windows Store on Windows 10 devices, well, that’s too bad; Windows 10 Pro version 1511 just made your life a whole lot more difficult, unless you’re willing to pay extra for Windows 10 Enterprise edition.

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How to Address the Top 3 Employee Concerns About the Cloud

How to Address the Top 3 Employee Concerns About the Cloud

The cloud is a great technology that’s changing the face of the business environment, but like every new innovation, there will always be those who are opposed to the cloud, and they can put your business in a precarious situation. Here are three ways that you can convince your team that cloud computing is the way to go, and that it’s a great way to take advantage of modern technology solutions.

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Tip of the Week: 4 Steps to Quickly Troubleshoot Your Internet Connection

Tip of the Week: 4 Steps to Quickly Troubleshoot Your Internet Connection

There’s a special kind of frustration that accompanies a dropped Internet connection. In such dire times, try these four troubleshooting tips before hitting the panic button.

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